We have an extensive delivery program for torispherical heads according to DIN 28011 in diameters from 21.3 to 13,500 m.m. and wall thicknesses from 2 to 250 mm.
You need to make a dimensional inspection on the pressure Torispherical head for any effort for the fit-up process. The dimensional inspection is done on the knuckle radius, crown radius, skirt length, depth and thickness.
Compared with elliptical head, due to its easier manufacturing processes, the torispherical head is often used in addition to the pressure is larger diameter pressure vessel.
With the same same design conditions with the same design pressure, design temperature and material, your calculated wall thickness under internal pressure will be approximately half of the shell thickness.
For example, if you have calculated your shell thickness under internal pressure and obtained 12 mm, your hemispherical head thickness also will be approximately 6 mm.
The inside depth of your Torispherical head will be one-half of head inside diameter (h = D/2).
Pipe Cap are used for connecting pipes of different diameters and find wide applications in various chemicals, construction industries, paper, cement & ship builders.
Size range:
Pipe caps are widely well-known for the utmost output and outstanding results that it gives.
Pipe Cap manufactured using superior grade raw materials.
Surface treatment:
Common Shapes:
Pipe caps can be in various shapes.
Bending, squeezing, pressing, forging, machining and more